Small Businesses need your support during Covid 19 and after

2020 is certainly an unusual year. We are in a time of crisis and uncertainty. It is so important that we reflect on what is truly important to us - that statement will produce different answers for every person who truly answers that question and no answer is wrong it is is just different for each person. Please remember to be respectful of different opinions as we are each facing this crisis differently yet together. So, may I ask, what is truly important to you?

We, CWLIFE Photography, are a small business. As a husband and wife team it is scary to face the uncertainty of what is happening in the world today. From a health perspective we are keenly aware of the crisis. We know several people who have had Covid 19 and it is no joke….this disease has taken unimaginable lives. We are saddened by these losses and cautious of our actions not to increase risk of illness to ourselves or others. We also have many clients that are on the front line helping each day to save lives and to them we give much gratitude…there are no words for what they are facing each and every day.

This time is also giving the physical universe more peace than it has seen in years. Mother nature is in many ways “happy” for the break. There is much beauty that comes from this pause in the every day chaos of life. As someone who loves the ocean and the beauty of this planet, I am pleased to see the natural world flourish. If only it were that simple, but it is not.

In the midst of this much needed natural pause comes so much financial devastation and insecurity - we like many small businesses have to take things one day at a time. We have friends who own restaurants, hotels, and small shops, and of course we have many colleagues in the event industry that are overwhelmed by the loss of income and uncertainty of what’s to come.

We must continue to believe that the human spirit relies on connections and we know that photography memorializes those connections. The time will come when we can capture celebrations and family gatherings. We hope our clients will look at having albums custom designed and images printed as wall art in a way of celebrating what is truly important in life - connections. Digital images are nice but they are not tangible - the shoebox of prints is tangible. Do you have a stash of prints to look at on a rainy day or during a pandemic?

We would like to ask a favor. We ask you to support a local business. How you ask…here are a few suggestions :

Write that review for a small business you love (Facebook, google, yelp, etc).

Visit their company website and share it with friends.

Make a social media post, “shout out” a small business.

Introduce people who might be able to do business together. They can always talk on zoom.

Call that business owner and check in - they might just love to hear a friendly voice.

E-commerce - what can you buy from your favorite small business online?

Buy a gift card for yourself to use at a later date or as a thank you to a friend!

Local cafes/restaurants: place a custom order, stop for take out frequently, buy a gift card.

These are just a few ideas - feel free to add other suggestions in the comments section of the blog.

If you are not sure how to help them just reach out and ask, every small business is operating differently today but they most certainly want to be operating! Support local - we together can make a difference.

Small business takes many forms - maybe it will help you think more broadly about the small business community: event planners, musicians, florists, interior designers, hot air ballon operators, pet trainers, jewelry designers, DJs, bridal shops, boutiques, dance instructors, house cleaners, personal chefs, career counselors, alterations, artists, life coach, book keeper, groomers, local cafes owners, yoga/fitness instructors, photographers, and so many more… Do what you can to support local businesses as we are all an essential part of the whole community.

Much Gratitude!

Connie & Steve